Friday, July 11, 2008

Book Review: Soul Survivor by Philip Yancey

My favorite subject to write about is people. Of those people, the ones I want you to know about most are those that have helped me grow spiritually, helped me grow closer to God, or helped me point others to God more effectively.

Philip Yancey, in many of his books is truthful enough to write about a time early in his adult life when he wrestled with his faith. The faith tradition he grew up seemed hypocritical, irrelevant, graceless, and out-of-touch. It just didn't make sense to him to continue to identify himself with Christians. There were none around him that could validate true faith in Christ.

Yancey points out that during great crisis, two questions haunt people:

  • "Who am I?"
  • "Who do I want to be?"

In Soul Survivor, Yancey shares how thirteen unlikely mentors helped answer these questions for himself. As he tells the story of how his faith was rescued, I found myself asking the same two questions and then identifying both with Yancey and the characters he writes about.

As always, Yancey, provokes thinking outside the boundaries of popular, party-line Christian thinking. And Yancey makes me feel like God actually loves me and tolerates me for who I am, not who I think I need to be for Him (or anybody else).


Kat said...

A friend sent me this tonight and I wanted to share it with you. Not sure that God 'told' me to or I just think it might bless you and whoever reads this....btw, I love Philip Yancey and I will buy this book.

Bryonm said...

that's a heavy video, kat...

Kat said...

The dad is his son's hero, just as you and Susan are heroes.