Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Refugee Images

Christianity today sent out this interesting article about refugees from Chad.
"This country has huge potential both in terms of human potential and economic potential," Birch said. "And [it's a] tragedy to see a country like this just not ever enjoying peace. I think Chadians would like to see people outside of Chad joining with them and praying for peace and a lasting solution to Chad's problems."

Chad has seen a remarkable growth in its Christian population over the last 30 years, according to Torrey Olsen, senior director for World Vision programs. Most estimates now say that more than one third of the general population is Christian.

Click here to view the slideshow.

HT: Christianity Today

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Doesn't the first slide in this slideshow look amazingly similar to the Sunday market we experienced in the Middle East? Check it out:


Remember what I stepped in? Lol. Good memories.